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Zack Snyder CONFIRMS The Snyderverse Is Over!

Zack Snyder CONFIRMS The Snyderverse Is Over!

We didn't anticipate Warner Bros. to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut, but Zack Snyder's Justice League premiered on HBO Max in March 2021. It earned great reviews (far better than Joss Whedon's 2017 attempt), but certain newly shot sequel teases put in by the filmmaker led in the formation of a new hashtag, #RestoreTheSnyderverse. Since then, it's become evident that won't happen, especially with a DC Universe reboot on the way from DC Studios.

Still, we're sure you've heard of the #SellTheSnyderverseToNetflix campaign, which shows that fan-led initiatives are still gaining support online. Zack Snyder has now chimed in, commenting to a fan on Vero to confirm the end of the Snyderverse. This looks to rule out any kind of sequel to his version of Justice League, whether it's an Elseworlds film, TV series, or even a comic book.

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